Friday 19 October 2012

Islamic movement which is far away from Islam!!!!

Islamic Movement: Can it save herself from Rescue?!
10-17-2012 11:09 PM
D.Omer Alaqraa

The occasion of the Islamic Movement
Islamic Movement: Can you save herself from Rescue?! (3-3)
(Say it Oazkm one that you do to God, two individual then Taatvkroa ...) Allah Almighty
The great sin of the Islamist movement, is that they came to power through a military coup. Since the coup did not agree with the Constitution, and its stated objectives, as incompatible with Islam, were forced to lie and deception, at the beginning ordered them, فنفوا relationship with the new government Islamist movement .. Not content with that, but arrested the leader of the movement d. Turabi, indulging in deception, and as he himself recounted later, he told the president (you go to the president palace and go I'm trapped prison)!! It was their attention to outwit the people, even retard the opposition, which could threaten their chairs .. If they fear God, and feel that familiar with the lies that his Icheonha, what did it!! The sin of the Islamic movement, has not spared one of them, including those who took recently criticize Rescue, such as d. Tayeb Zine El Abidine, and d. Abd al-Wahhab al-Afandi, and d. Tijani Abdul Qadir, because they did not object to the arrival of the Islamic movement to power by coup, but objected to what happened after that, which was the results of a natural approach to usurp power dictatorship, which he strikes liabilities and opponents, for fear of losing power, which he had wrung unjustly , he fears that if lost that blaming Bgererth.

The Islamic movement has in Sudan raping power by force in 1989, after he failed to reach the by elections in 1986. Perhaps the irony in this work, not only paradox of human rights and democratic approach, not a paradox Shura, and the right of the group in the rule itself, in terms of legitimacy, but before that paradox charters adopted by the Islamist movement itself, and on this basis has recruited membership .. Came (and perhaps the most important documents that include positions movement theory of human rights found in the Constitution of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1981, which was intended to be an introduction to the Constitution of the Islamic State, which seeks the movement to set up after the demise of the regime of President Jaafar Nimeiri had moved a large part of it, especially in the field of targets to the Constitution of the National Islamic Front, founded a political party in 1985 after the fall of the regime of President Nimeiri; In some lectures and pamphlets written by the movement's leader Hassan al-Turabi, then the document Sudan for Human Rights passed by the National Transitional Council in 1994 but unknown.

1 - Constitution of the Muslim Brotherhood:

Stated in Part II of the Constitution under (goals) four chapters talk about: the political and constitutional objectives; economic objectives; social objectives; cultural goals. Here are some of what is stated in this chapter and is linked to human rights.
Political and constitutional goals

Says Article (5): the establishment of Islamic rule based on consultation and equality and freedom of citizens to choose the governor and representatives of the nation and the right advice and the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, without domination or terrorism.
Article (6): To ensure the freedom of the citizen in the belief and non-compulsion in religion and to ensure the freedom of the citizen to express his opinion and his freedom of movement, assembly and association and the protection of his blood, money and honor and the sanctity of his home and his correspondence.
Article (8): The group is dedicated to confirm the responsibility of ruling you choose the nation for his actions his official and personal responsibility, religious, political and judicial.
Article (9): to protect citizens from tyranny, political corruption and economic exploitation and any form of oppression and injustice. And governance institutions to prevent the domination of the individual and نشدانا stability.
Article (10): rumor of Justice and providing equality of citizens before the law and to ensure the independence and impartiality of judges and the provision of legal services to the citizens.
Article (14): the rights of minorities are protected in the Islamic state and guarantee them equal civil and political rights and economic justice and freedom of belief and worship and the independence of the personal status laws and religious education.
Economic goals
Article (20): Insurance essential needs of every citizen of a decent living, health, education, security and lift the injustice and poverty and suffering) (d. Tayeb Zine El Abidine 11/10/2012 freedoms).
How can a group made up of hundreds of thousands of members, to develop a constitution, people join because of what is in it, then you - without any objection from any of its members - in fact the opposite of what mentioned in the constitution?! Not suggesting that when they wrote these documents, they wrote structure مفارقتها in the application, and did not write them only for the purpose of misleading the people?? Is it possible for a group to tell a lie in the level of the written put, and its Constitution, then be expressive about Islam?! Is Islam itself, Hin on God, to proclaim it over the hands of those they call slogans written and Avarkonh to work??

The government began to rescue its youth, to escalate the war in the south, and claim they are fighting for the sake of God!! The advantage of this packaging, the political oppression of its opponents in the north, claiming Mvariqthm of Islam, as evidenced by their opposition to the killing of their brothers in southern Sudan, in the Nuba Mountains. But witnessed Sudan from the oppression, terrorism, torture, oppression, and humiliation in the first years of rescue, not seen in the era of the dictatorship of Nimeiri or dictatorship Abboud. He was the first of the targeted students at Khartoum University, and other universities. The expelled competencies of teachers, administrators, and other eye their place Their main task is to eliminate any opposition appear at the university. Rescuers reached the level, making it appoints director of the University of Khartoum known violence and obsession since he was a student .. When the argument broke out between the National Congress students and other students, came Director of strange, to the field of arts, wearing a military uniform, and carrying a pistol fired shots in the air, he told a group National Congress (Ahjmoa infidels)!! It meant their colleagues from other membership organizations, which have formed an alliance against them. And even eliminate any rescue demonstration has smashed the same university education!! And removed boarding, and displaced male and female students, which Otheraly achievement, also canceled efficiency standards and examinations, She gave high grades to the employees of the National Congress, based on their participation in the war the south, and affiliation to defend popular academic competence!! Then formed the government of the General Union of Sudanese Students, recruitment, some security men, and gave him an unlimited budget, because any treatment of any citizen, from the sale of land or purchase or other, discounted fee information of the General Union of Sudanese Students!! He has alleged that Union, robbed in broad daylight on the Sudanese Writers' Union House Palmqrn, and its occupation squatters!! Did not have any work to help any student who does not belong to the National Conference, but his role was fundamental, is filled carts Balsaik, sticks, knives, and an attack on any group evaluated debate exposes National Congress, then portrayed as a clash between the students, not the government would where!! They have more than once, beating students, both in Sudanese universities in the capital and provinces, especially Ahlia University, which assaulted the students and professors, and even burnt, even disrupted the study, when they failed in the elections and lost Union!! The number of students were killed, their hands in these attacks, and when I got some issues to the courts, as a student الحصاحيصا issue, escaped offenders, which deserve punishment!!

The came rescue novelty (ghost houses), which places dedicated to the torture of detainees, brutal images have nothing to do with humanity, or morality, or law, or Islam. And has trained security officers in Iran on the types of torture, distancing her common sense, and the values of chivalry .. We have beaten detainees with whips, and Bakheratih, and shocked with electricity, and iced water, and took off their nails, and Kwoa fire, tied and hung and beaten in places sensitive, even cited some of them, and hinder some permanent disabilities, such as loss of hearing, sight, and movement. Also been raped Silks of Sudanese women, brutally, in the offices of the device .. Brave men were raped, who resisted arrest and torture, which has nothing to do with Islam or morality from near or far. And has forgotten members of the Islamic movement in the euphoria power, and scared the fear of loss, the ethics of Islam, and the ethics of the Sudanese people!! It is four or five of them, beat Sheikh Slim, such as d. Farouk Mohammed Ibrahim, blindfolded, and idle, and hear from improper insults, and words Almqzah, what was more painful to him than beating .. And be within Mavebh these, a student at the Faculty of Science at the University of Khartoum, and his colleague, Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture then, d. Nafie Ali Nafie, as mentioned d. Farouk in his complaint, filed by Mr. President of the Republic, and did not realize it.
This gross injustice, behind the bitterness in the soul, will not disappear when the rescue .. These heinous acts, reprehensible, have been associated in the consciousness of the people Sudanese Islamic movement, and there is no way to forget about it, or jump over it .. Must the Islamic movement in both its national and popular, to apologize to the Sudanese people, and open the General Conference, played by the National Congress in next month, file (ghost houses), and to demand justice from the torturers, whether that government accepted it or not accept it, then declare them away from the Islamist movement .. If a genuine Islamic movement is religion, and is keen to continue a lawsuit and political entity in Sudan in the future.

The rescue, dissolved all unions elected and appointed unions affiliated unionists arrested and tortured in ghost houses .. Also displaced thousands of workers and employees, and expelled on the grounds that it is the general good of the country, even though he was not only ruined the country, and self-interest are. Also confiscated the property of major sectarian parties, and arrested some of its members were activists. And prevented some public seminars and her meetings.

Did not urge that offended the press, and confiscated their freedom, as happened at the time of the rescue. The newspapers were confiscated after tight to prevent the ads, then adopted censorship on newspapers, where security men read the newspaper, prior to printing, and confiscate whenever they do not like them .. Then they took confiscate newspapers after printing, even Aqaibdoha financial losses, more than that, prevented some columnists writing!! Not content with that, but they opened criminal reports, a number of reporters and journalists, and opinion writers .. The ultimate purpose of all this, not be there, but newspapers loyal to the authority or other scared of them, even playing Sudanese citizens from buying newspapers, also playing for Sudanese watch satellite television.

The government then made a group of ignorant scholars and imams, and designated them (scientists) Sudan!! And commissioned to decorate falsehood, He Akharsthm say right .. Rather than object to the corrupt rulers, which caused the price rises pulverizer, and the poorest people, unable to moving (sacrifice), have stated that permits the borrowing cost (sacrifice)!! Instead of that object to marriage leaders of the National Conference, Bmtny, three, and four, and people can not find a living one family, have stated their minor passport!! Following the hue souls, sick, twisted, you want to exercise obscene sexual exploitation of children, under the umbrella of religion!! Perdition pudenda (scientists) bad!!

What involvement where members of the Islamic movement, leaders of the National Congress Party, and the leaders of the government rescue, of mismanagement, and war crimes, and the confiscation of democracy, and the destruction of the national economy, and the displacement of workers honorable, and torture of detainees in the homes of ghosts, and the corruption and the richness of obscene at the expense of hunger of the people, not just deviation range from a straight Aserat .. Nor is it merely committed acts inconsistent with what you know and claims of religious commitment, as trying a statement the Islamic trend referred to in the first episode to convince people.
The issue of two sides: the first side and the primary, is a misconception of Islam, which has been the Islamic movement, staggering under since its inception in the twenties of the last century. فأفكار Sheikh Hassan al-Banna, and Sayyid Qutb professor, and Abu Ala Mawdudi, came after advocates of the Renaissance and the Reformation of the likes of Afghanistan, and Mohammed Abdo, Tahar Haddad .. Are not satisfied with their call for Islamic sent through peaceful diligence, and sent the values of religion. And accused them of helplessness and dependency, and floated the idea of political change by force, and considered Jihad legally required, and embarked on arms and covert action .. Thus appeared political Islam, which focused on power, and neglected education, not Islamist thinkers so deep look P ordering diligence, but they were loyal to leap without thinking predecessor. But insisted on calling for the application of Islamic law on the humanity of the twentieth century with the same details that have been applied to human seventh century AD!! And political Islam, which is taken in the opposition, deficits and the failure of governments in Muslim countries, as a pretext for the recruitment of young people, and incite them against governments, which attributed its failure to non-application of the law of God .. When you arrive Islamic movements or groups of power, realize that the application of Sharia is not possible, setting off spoofing, and out on the explicit texts, various inflections, which he called President Bashir in one of his speeches (Canon Mdgamsh)!! As they raise slogans of Sharia, and apply other, has fallen into detestation divine, who said the Almighty (O ye who believe, not what you say you do not do?! * Most hateful it is Allah that ye say ye do not), and is known in religious behavior, that each Sin does not repent of its owner, shop to another, and as they enter the heart darkness obscures light, appointed by the owner of discrimination, and to choose the right ..

The second face is weak individuals, and their inability to hold themselves accountable, and their followers to their cravings in power and influence, and the accumulation of money, which is the result of the first conceptual error because it was due to political action on the educational curriculum, as explained above. Islamic trend, while condemning the government rescue, while People's Congress condemned, do you have an alternative for the application of Sharia?! If not, the intention of the reform alone is not enough .. It has been available for some of the leaders of the rescue at the beginning of their reign, but did not find anything, and the reason is obvious, and simple, is that Islamic law, can not be applied in the order of transactions in today's society .. And because of the difference in power and needed contemporary society, for the seventh century society has not accepted the comparison .. Any attempt to apply, shopping to مفارقتها, and Mahol forced to hypocrisy.

The predicament in which they occurred Sudanese Islamic movement, historic impasse, located where all the Islamic movements that rely on traditional Salafi ideology .. The thrust attempt to apply the law of the seventh century, the human and twenty-first century, which necessarily leads to failure .. And then alienate intelligent than religion, and twisted the leaders of the Islamic movement to justify Mvariqthm, as claimed goodness of sharee'ah. Had the Sudanese Islamic movement is a virtue, the other Islamic movements, they exposure hurry, their access to power, because the logos that made the movement glamorous, and momentum, Amthant in the practical experience and fell. Now put the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt, at stake, their access to power, a also Sttakbt, and fail, and do harm to people, even revealed to him, and disowned them .. It rolls on all Islamic movements, is that Kamal Islamic law is not in their persistence on a single image, is applied in the seventh century AD .. But its ability to evolve and keep pace with the times, and being of God, does not mean that they do not develop, because God did not prescribed by the perfection is, but the lack of our societies, which are in a constant evolution. The Islamic law, which was wise wisdom, and totally valid, a seventh century society, no longer the case today, and that Muslims need real diligence beyond the law to the eternal essence of Islam. If preventing old age thinkers of the Islamic movement, to accept the idea of the development of Islamic law, moving from branches of the Koran that whale Sharia, to assets which contained the essence of religion, which called for Mr. Mahmoud Mohamed Taha since the dawn of the fifties, Vliqdmoa diligent moderate, distancing them from the Salafi understanding closed .. Going to leave talking about the Islamic constitution, to be aware of the level of Islam, which they can be applied today.
To say that Islam is the solution, and the Islamic constitution is the end, and Shari'a is the salvation, they slogans, supplying owners peril .. What they do not have to understand, that separates a program economically, politically, socially, and culturally, Islam whereby salvation of all mankind. If remained Islamist movement intact, and failed to cash itself, was not available on the diligence new, the its members is exempt from responsibility, then each of them, the duty of the research and commitment, because the responsibility ultimately individual, he says (and we inherit what he says and get us individuals) the truth of God Great, and reached the noble Prophet.

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