Saturday 29 December 2012

Kordofan cry beloved Kordofan.

Krashwm: restore the state of West Kordofan to win over the Misseriya and oil output for any solutions to come.

SPLM (u) reveal its strategy to address the issues of the western sector in Southern Kordofan
12-29-2012 03:08 AM
London: Ammar Awad

Confirmed the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan (u) It's not against the wishes of the citizens to have a mandate or any form of administrative يرتضونه in the first reaction to the announcement system National Congress declared his desire to return the state of West Kordofan, according to vice president of the SPLM in South Kordofan Adam Krashwm , who explained in the mainstream press they were against the motives for which works National Congress to restore the state of West Kordofan at this time and in this way and said (The system National Congress is an authoritarian regime نهبي can not stay real development in any area Zany if a mandate in the region, you will not achieve any development) and drew Krashwm in the statement released by his office that the real motives of the National Conference to re-establish the state of West Kordofan is in (coax Misseriya to them as a first step to be brought into the war in South Kordofan state - the Nuba Mountains - after they failed in all their plans aimed to mobilize militias to fight a proxy war).

Besides creating discord and conflicts and wars between local groups because of border problems, especially with the Nuba Mountains to continue National Congress to raise more wars and recycling policy of divide and rule, after that his increasing opposition Gazans western policies in addition to (find solutions tactical crisis in the region by creating Jobs constitutional formality to soothe his followers from users who have been stirring up unrest has after they have lost their privileges and political bribes purchased receivables some beneficiaries of his opponents and rehoused in new jobs).

The statement noted that the motive most important is (is to isolate the western region, and oil specifically, of any political settlement in the future and out of the two regions referred to in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in negotiating proposals ongoing. Thus isolate and deny the citizens of the western sector of any gains that could come from through negotiation, especially in regard to the subject matter of oil).
He Krashwm that the real motives behind dissolving the state in the past was to thwart the popular consultation for Nuba Mountains creating majority character Arabist in the state of South Kordofan - Nuba Mountains - to be the National Conference site presented in the state because they, any National Congress, believe that the Arab tribes state hostage have and will remain loyal to them within their policy based on the principle of divide and rule according to the statement issued by Adam Krashwm who revealed that seeing the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan (u) is the establishment of decentralization as dictated by the necessities of good governance and balanced development of all peoples and regions of Sudan and administrative structures are not an end in itself It (does not represent a solution to any issue, but is the only way that can contribute to the development and welfare of the people, if dictated by necessity honesty were followed in the creation and performance).

He Krashwm that the priority exchange should be directed to the development of services and not for the exchange of government and strategic outlook to solve problems are not partial solutions tactical stressed Krashwm that ratios maturity oil must employ for the benefit of the region, according to ad-hoc basis development and not by the political agenda and noted Adam Krashwm to the need to combat drought and desertification , and the establishment and implementation of long-term plans within the international plans for programs to combat drought and desertification; with binding constitutional Sudanese state to do this thing and not leave him to the mood of governments to provide water through (expanding and deepening existing water bodies dug Alrhod - collection Arhad - and frequency - collection refouler - and carving Lakes industrial and developing mechanisms exploitation of groundwater), according to a strategy SPLM disclosed which included the provision of hay around water areas that must be provided, combating weeds and enrich the range and develop the feed industry and the establishment and development of manufacturing industries, such as dairy industries, meat, leather along with the development of agriculture Update the means of production and vertical expansion.

Next program long-term human development, through education to provide the quantity and quality of schools and restore the boarding system and broaden the base of modern professions through education and reduce dependence on herding and agriculture. And provide full health care for people and animals. And concern for the environment, especially after the discovery of oil and the damage that can be caused by extraction. And attention to cultural development and the gradual integration of the people of the region in the modern lifestyle.

He explained Deputy head of Adam Krashwm movement National Congress system is authoritarian regime نهبي can not stay real development in any area. Even if the establishment of the mandate in the region and Turkiv should be on the implementation of the overall development strategy mandate or without said (in the event of failure to respond to the implementation of the overall development strategy, Vlatalib citizens of the region to self-determination for the unity of voluntary realized where their aspirations or independence from Khartoum to be their full sovereignty on their land and resources and Petrolhm rather than demanding the state begging Khartoum given or or prevented) by his statement, which added it (so as not to cause any bid on our position, we would like to stress that we in the People's Liberation Movement Sudan (u), and from the principle of unity of voluntary and self-determination all marginalized Sudanese peoples who adopt it, recognize the citizens of the western sector of their right to comprehensive development and fight to achieve it, even if it took an independent state).

He called Krashwm peoples Kordofan region Greater attention to the plots that Iheckha National Congress to create local conflicts between the peoples of the region fabricating limits seditious through formations administrative carried Pachtralla to distract these peoples for their demands real and concluded by saying (in order to be there alone voluntary and real development for all the peoples of Sudan marginalized , we call for all citizens of the region to join the peaceful youth revolution also turn our appeal to all who are able to take up arms to join the RUF factions until uprooting National Congress system and Mentfieh as a first step to achieve voluntary unity and overall development of all peoples of Sudan).

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