Thursday 14 February 2013

He gave no chance !!!! Now he have to suffer .

Gosh family: his health deteriorating and taken back to his cell they fabricate his charges, accused him in a coup attempt, and then forbade his money and now are talking about a new charge.
Demanded to allow him to travel abroad and Switzerland specifically to conduct further tests,
02-14-2013 03:42 AM
Khartoum: Ahmed Younis London: Mustafa Sri

Family said security chief and former Sudanese intelligence Salah Abdallah 'Gosh', arrested on charges of participation in an attempted coup against the regime of President al-Bashir, his health deteriorated because of suffering from heart problems, and other health problems.

His brother, Abdul Azim Abdullah told «Middle East» that security authorities transferred him to the hospital «hope» of the Security Service on Monday, because of suffering from heart problems and other health problems, and remained there until Tuesday night, and returned to his cell the morning of Tuesday. And condemned his brother to a hospital 'hope' because he is a specialist in diseases of the heart, in a time when there specialized hospitals in the country, and said that the authorities prevented his family from visiting him at the hospital, only to allow his daughter to 'doctor' visit.

He condemned Abdullah including dubbed attempts «fabrication» charges to his brother, and said that security authorities arrested initially after accusing him of participating in a coup attempt against the regime, and then imposed a ban on funds and companies in which the pretext of corruption, then abandoned both charges to talk about documents « secret convict him of conspiracy. The family demanded Gosh San Abdel Azim allowing his brother to travel abroad and Switzerland specifically to conduct further tests, and until it moved to a civilian specialty hospital, because they do not believe that the hospital 'hope' is qualified to handle his case.

And arrested 'Gosh' (November) the past and with dozens of military and security officers on charges of planning a coup. And suffering 'Gosh' of chronic heart problems, is said to be ignored while in power, just as doctors ignored tips to stop smoking and coffee. Nor is the process of being taken to hospital suffering from heart problems is the first during the current period of detention; since transferred to a specialized hospital in Khartoum in December (December) last year, and he underwent at the time the catheter exploratory. Once common is the man was taken to hospital number of relatives gathered outside the hospital despite the heavily guarded imposed on the region.

Middle East

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