Tuesday 20 November 2012

All immigrate from Sudan!!!

An official report reveals increasing rates of migration central Sudanese.
11-20-2012 12:07 PM
Khartoum: pointed a government report issued by the Ministry of Labour, to increasing rates of migration central Sudanese during the current year, and reached through the «10» months past about 75.631 immigrants, explaining that the cadres of health and education are the most migration where the number of immigrants from doctors (5028) through past five years, while the number of departures from professions education (1002), mostly during the year 2012, and the report stressed that migration specialists and scientists during the past five years, an obsession with the government after it was (14407) immigrants.

He attributed the report submitted by the Minister of Human Resources, safe Dirar, the Council of States, the reasons for the increasing migration of poor wages and lack of job opportunities and increasing unemployment, next to the openness and the temptations of the labor market in the receiving countries of migrants, as well as to seek financial resources from foreign currency, and report also pointed out the increase successive for the annual migration of the cadres as peaked according to the report in 2012 and left about 75.631 Sudanese compared with 10032 immigrants in 2008, an increase (654%).
The report pointed out that Saudi Arabia is considered the largest future employment Sudanese immigrant tongs (91%) of the total immigrants during the past five years, followed by the United Arab Emirates by (3.5%), the report said immigration craftsmen are the highest in the past five Almadh, where reached (58,484) immigrants, followed by acts of grazing, agriculture and animal husbandry (54,100) immigrant, The report also pointed out that migration specialists and scientists are most concern to the authorities as they hit (14 407), while the preparation of technicians immigrants in the same period (11 226) artistically.

It noted the minister that immigration specialists and scientists are the most impact on the development process in Sudan, indicating that migration among university professors Sudanese witnessing an escalation continues, and considered the minister that a direct threat to the higher education sector, where the number of immigrants from university professors around (1002) professor , compared with (21) a professor in 2008.
The minister acknowledged, saying (there are problems facing some of the Sudanese migrants to Sudan embassies abroad can not be solved), and called for the establishment of unions Missions abroad to address issues of Sudanese working abroad.
For his part, student council member, Badawi good Idriss, the Ministry of Human Resources to carry out studies for the conditions of Sudanese abroad, also demanded to expedite the conclusion of peace agreements after he got out, many Sudanese because of armed conflict, and end the armed conflict in order heading Sudanese to development, construction and even the economy recovers, He also called for open work areas for those wishing to emigrate as a legitimate right of man.


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