Saturday 3 November 2012


Darfuri movement demanding the right of self-determination, the National Front: negotiating with the regime prolongs survival and Sudan has Abyei
11-03-2012 08:13 AM
Alrakubh: London: Hanadi Osman

National Front renewed petition calling for opposition forces and civil armed need to unite in order to
Overthrow the regime and replace it with a democratic system, and warned at the same time not allow the regime to buy time and gain legitimacy by engaging in negotiating processes absurdity with the prolonged crisis in Sudan, at the time defended the rival Sudan Liberation and Justice and Equality for the option of armed struggle and pledged to accept a document for a Democratic Alternative drafted by the forces of national consensus to participate in the preparation, called Darfurian rebel movement by giving the Darfur region of the right to self-determination.

The Chairman of the National Front petition, Mahmoud Hassanien during a seminar in London
To commemorate the October Revolution that the Sudanese government has completely lost report on the region of Abyei after referral to the African Union to resolve the dispute over their subordination, and pointed out that the road map approved by the Peace Council of the African Union and accepted by the State of the south by the middle of Sudan's opposition binding and can not be undone pointing that solutions will be imposed on the government will not be able to, but it was embraced, especially since President Bashir personally signed the Addis Ababa agreement, and guessed that turn out the area to the south and described Hassanein cooperation agreement signed with the State of South recently as a ticking time bomb and can not be relied upon in that leads to stability and peace comprehensive, and stressed Hassanein on the importance of isolating the regime and not to engage in dialogue with him and the escalation of mass struggle and civil disobedience and a general strike and down to overthrow the regime, and warned that the National Front headed by current year and not a party, and everyone who believes in the importance of toppling a member and to belong not conditional abandon loyalty Partisan.
And stuck Spokesman Justice and Equality Movement Jibril Bilal military option to movements of armed resistance and restructuring of the Sudanese state as a general framework and demanded a strong consensus not Aabh option expressed their willingness to engage with civil forces adhering to peaceful down to alternative national Agreed, and reduced Bilal of talk about influenced his agreement security between Khartoum and Juba
Cons Hussein Arco Minawi Amin management and administration Liberation Movement Sudan need pairing between the two tracks military and public to يتكاملا in the process of dropping system and called on all strong national consensus to keep religion out of politics as a necessity for urgent and then agreed to a Democratic Alternative and the establishment of the mosque every people of Sudan in how the form of government after dropping the system. He pointed out that the system is the primary beneficiary of the controversial opposition now called for the unity of a strong opposition.
He stressed thinker Haidar Ibrahim on the need to shift the opposition to resist able to act and influence and remove the effects of the system and not just drop it and asked the opposition to unite and deal seriously and realistically to find an alternative that saves the identity of Sudan and stressed that the Khartoum regime has been eroding from within a facing economic disaster and security and should the opposition take advantage opposition of this situation ..
For his part, called Yahya Bolad head the National Movement for Darforbmnh Darfur right to self-determination through any arrangement later was based on his call for a previous grant South Sudan the right to choose between staying in the Sudanese state form the current or the establishment of an independent state, pointing to the size of the crimes committed in Darfur.

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