Monday 30 April 2018

Can not live in good harmony with others!!!!

 Sudan News
 Violations and attacks on non - Muslim property in Sudan from 2010 to 2017
Violations And Attacks On Non-Muslim Property In Sudan From 2010 To 2017
Violations and attacks on non-Muslim property in Sudan from 2010 to 2017

African Center for Justice and Peace Studies
04-30-2018 03:20 AM

The political and social history of the Sudanese state has led to tolerance and religious coexistence among the various religious communities. The cities of Sudan witnessed various mosques, monastery, churches, shrines, domes and other places of worship according to the beliefs of their adherents. This was reflected in respect of religious facilities with respect due to respect for freedom of religion and belief not by law. Aware of citizenship and freedoms, Sudanese and non-Sudanese coexisted before and after independence side by side. Alongside the Muslims there were and still are different Christian denominations of Sudanese, non-Sudanese and Jewish who left The last family of Sudan in the year 1985, in addition to the Hindus and the owners of African religions settled in many cities of Sudan before the separation, working in various occupations dominated by trade and accounting professions, but spread out between all the various religious communities in Sudan, where mating between Christians and Sudanese since early before the late Hassan al-Turabi, the godfather of the Islamists with a fatwa that allows the marriage of Muslim writers, and even formed a lot of Sudanese neighborhoods model of the pastures that exceeded the barrier of religion, the period of Arab unity influenced the large-scale departure of Jews to blackAs was the case in some Arab countries, the declaration of the laws of Islamic law in 1983 form a narrowing of Christians from the Copts led to the departure of the Sudan proportion of the narrowing of the need for religious obsession in the period of former President Jaafar Mohamed Nimeiri, based on the application of the laws of Islamic law and installed imam The events associated with the second trial of the leader of the two communities, Mahmud Muhammad Taha, and his execution for apostasy raised the fear of the use of religious laws for retaliation and harassment of non-Muslims. A large number of them left Sudan in order to save their lives after the Sudanese Islamists received a new wave of intimidation targeting the Christian communities based on the motives of promoting the Islamic religious state, which abolishes the other and considers its existence requires paying tribute. Legislative Council of the State of Khartoum In 1996, the restrictions on the places of worship by storming spread to include the Muslims as a group of Koranic practicing their rituals according to the religiosity of the group of Koranic Muslims, which are widespread in the West African region, Ihieddin Sudanese sloping assets from a regional southern Sudan, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile has spread dramatically in the period after 1989 under the pretexts for the accusation of belonging to the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, which is considered the need to investigate cases of forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings,

Research Methodology 
The approach of the report depends on addressing the violations related to the facilities of the religious denominations of non-Muslims from the demolition, removal and deprivation of legal codification and legal corruption, which has been diverted for other purposes, in addition to the changes in the transitional period in which the administration of religious facilities turned from Christians descended from South Sudan to the Sudanese Christians after the separation between the two countries in 2011 in light of Sudan's international obligations, regional and national human rights, in addition to monitoring the cases in which violations have been included in the report approach With primary sources, human rights activists and Sudanese civilians inaddition to the documents issued by the official Sudanese judicial authorities Kalheiih, as the report relied on secondary sources such as newspapers Sudanese paper and electronic. 

Legal Framework 
According to the Sudanese Constitution, Article 6 considers the decisions of removal, confiscation and closing of churches to be a violation of the Sudanese Constitution, which provides for the freedom of religion and belief and the role of practicing worship. 
Article 43 (2) of the Sudanese Constitution prohibits the expropriation of property only by judicial decision of the law and the public interest in return for fair and immediate compensation. 
• Historical background The 
violations against the property of non-Muslims in Sudan were linked to the application of Islamic religious ideology, both during the period of President Jafar Muhammad Nimeiri in 1996 and 1985, which witnessed the period of the declaration of Islamic sharia law and the third period of democracy from 1985 to 1989, in which the dominant parties did not adopt the ruling majority The policy of dealing with violations of property belonging to non-Muslims under the rule of former President Jaafar al-Nimeiri, the scope of violations under the rule of the Islamists of Sudan since 1989 to the present based on the philosophy of ideology aimed at the application of the religious state based on On the reference of political Islam, from the above we can point out that all the reasons on which the violations were based on the use of the Islamic religion as a political ideology and can be monitored in: 

• Nationalization of property and confiscation not authorized by a judicial decision 
ban all non-Muslim activities: The clubs that represent the meetings of the sects, especially the Christians, where there are no longer places of worship for the Jews in Sudan "and the Jewish monuments of the synagogue, which existed at the current headquarters of the Ministry of Information, but does not know the exact date of demolition," and after the declaration of nationalization under President S Jaafar Mohammed Nimeiri , who ruled between 1969 1985 Jewish property had been nationalized and the collapse of the Jewish impact almost completely. It was the breaking point when Nimeiri applied sharia laws in 1983, forcing Jews, many of whom work in the liquor trade, into mass migrations. Which led them to emigrate also the nationalization decisions taken by Nimeiri against the property of foreigners in general.One of the most prominent confiscations of Jewish property was: 
• The family of Rabbi Salmon Malka, known as the "Geltlie Hanki." Not only did Nimeiri nationalize the rabbi's company, but he also settled his home overlooking the Blue Nile in Khartoum, After the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so far. " 
In 1969, under the brutal violence to implement the Islamic religious ideology, known politically as the civilizational project of the Government of the Sudanese Islamists in Khartoum, a decision was issued by the Legislative Council of the State of Khartoum in 1996 with the confiscation: 
• Club Kathloki in Khartoum under the pretext of the end of his rent The In response to the decision of the Khartoum Legislative Council in the same year against the backdrop of the civil war in southern Sudan to issue a decree banning all activities of non-Muslims, which was reflected in the confiscation of the club in Khartoum, which is located on Airport Road, which amounted to an area of ​​800 square meters, To the presidency of the House of the ruling National Party in violation of the law, the party is worth building his house with funds owned by him and not from the funds confiscated, which in this case to the conduct of the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments governed by the law allows the terms of dealing with the funds at its disposal, "This despite the violation that r I love the arbitrary measures in the confiscation, " theposition of the Ministry of Endowments and Guidance then remained consistent with the political support to the religionization war and discrimination between Muslmyin and Christians even though the mandate goes to the opposite where there is a dedicated management of the affairs of churches at the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments functions: - 
 follow - up and implementation of the state policy on churches . 
 Facilitating the movement of foreign missionaries and pastors. 
 - Sponsorship of Christian Islamic communication programs. 
 Caring for the rights of Christian communities guaranteed by Islam. 
political mobilization carried out by the political discourse in the assault on the property of Christians in Sudan was based on the statement of the President of the Republic in his speech on the harvest festival in the city of Gedaref in eastern Sudan in 2010 that after the secession of the south must be applied Islamic law without taking into account the feelings of non-Muslims in the exclusion For Sudanese Christians, and accordingly a series of abuses were organized. 
• On November 15, 2010, a church was burned in Kirkuk, east of Sennar, in the state of Sennar on the first day of registration for the Southern Sudan referendum stipulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement in 2005.
• On June 28, 2011, radical Islamists burned a church building belonging to the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Sudan, Omdurman, where they were referred to the violators. After they entered the Catholic church in Kosti, White Nile, they destroyed the statue of Mary El-Azra, one of the holy symbols of the church. Priests and torture until they were released on February 5, 2012 The source's testimony that no other property was lost in the church and a police report was opened by church officials and the perpetrators have not yet been found. The church sources reported that the incident is not isolated from other similar incidents, a church was burned in the area of ​​the Nile Valley near the city of Damazin in the state of Blue Nile. 
• On April 21, 2012, Islamic militants attacked and burned the Evangelical Church in Al-Gharif West by Bulldozer and set fire to it in the presence of a number of police who were watching the attack on Sunday afternoon. "Dozens of militants carrying sticks and Sikhs had imposed a siege on the church, threatened the group by the burning of the church before it was implemented, according to witnesses , despite heavy police presence (6) cars but did not do anything, 
• on October 16 , 2014 was the burning of the Lutheran Church in the city of Gedaref by Islamist militants have been open communication against unknown. 

destruction religious shrines 
• October 23 , 2012 managed to Mjh Color from entering the large Bkosty Catholic Church , and they destroyed the statue of Mary the Virgin Church , a sacred symbol of the Church did the church lose anything else of the property was open communication with the police by officials as in the church , but the investigations reach the perpetrators did not result. 
• And in another attack on a church In the revolution in Omdurman, a group of people attacked a Catholic church and attacked the priest and asked him not to pray again to the Southerners, and the same source confirmed that they were harassed by people entering the church and harassing those in it, And that those who attacked the statue could attack people and the property of the Church, where they were not given any kind of protection and protection. 
Adoption of discriminatory policies by the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments to non-Muslims The 
new conditions related to the establishment of churches are arbitrary conditions because they assume the approval of all residents of the neighborhood or "suburb" in addition to the approval of the popular committees in the area concerned and considering the composition of these committees, They are chosen in accordance with the rule of the authority, which means that the condition is impossible. Instead of the authorities exercising their role in organizing the worship facilities, they intended to circumvent and refer it to other parties. This condition does not apply to mosques for Muslims, The Minister of Guidance and Endowments said the crown of the mystery of the light on April 17, 2013, saying that it is not permissible to build new churches in Sudan. "We will not allow the construction of new churches." In light of this phenomenon, the Christian communities have established churches in the suburbs, especially those that have not been affected by urban planning, as well as churches built in displacement camps around the capital's large cities. To Christians who perform their rituals but face the problem of recognition from the Ministry of Guidance and Endowment and Illegal Classification of the Ministry of Physical Planning, which has long refused to legalize the ownership of those lands in which the churches were built without legal justification for discrimination in dealing with the same pattern Muslim communities built mosques inside The camps, but they did not face harassment or non-recognition. In light of these policies, the so-called "home churches" emerged, a new experiment organized in some displaced camps in the Darfur region, which operates in secret, fearing the law that may extend to its members on charges of apostasy Of the Sudanese Criminal Code. 
• The secession of the South and its aftermath 
The political transformations that led to the secession of Southern Sudan in 2011 have been reflected in the Christian religion institutions where the majority of religious facilities have historically been managed by people whose assets have descended from Southern Sudan. By the end of separation, the administration of these facilities has been managed for Christians, Or the region of South Kordofan, but it was not noticed that the transitional period between the departure of the administrators and the clergy of history and the arrival of the new arrivals require a clear strategy so as not to be affected, but soon the controversy that appeared in the Evangelical Church in Khartoum between the sea team N cons of each eligibility to take over the affairs of thechurch, at this stage I found the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments outlet forgovernment intervention and a decision boosted the survival of one of the two teams at the helm of the Church administration. The rapprochement between this group and the Ministry of Endowments and Guidance led to the opening of the door to the legitimacy of the phenomenon of corruption, which was associated with the disposal of sale and rent in some of the buildings of the church, which is located in a special location in downtown Khartoum, where the construction of shops on it, the opponents of corrupt practices faced criminal and malicious statements from some The official phenomenon, the phenomenon of corruption associated with the illegal conduct of land as an extension of the policies of the ruling authority, which works to remove the manifestations of Christian religiosity from the center of cities in addition to the paralysis of the land located in the strategic areas within cities and the value of the price With its high - rise in the value of land in Sudan as a result of the collapse ofconfidence in the banking system to the public so he veered save money in the form ofresidential land. 

As a result, the phenomenon of corruption began to rise to the surface where there was a split within the Anglican community on the management of religious resources. The bias of the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments was one of the reasons in promoting the phenomenon of corruption that was formed in the disposition of the evangelical church lands, Some of the church buildings for some investors who owned legal documents including the priest's house, the role of the Ministry of Guidance helped one of the two teams to enter the authority and open criminal reports, the destruction of the house of the priest and the Anglican Church in Khartoum North. 

Arbitrariness in the use of the laws of land technicians 
Abuse of the law through the use of laws granting land to prove the lack of ownership of some churches to the plots of land built by the arbitrariness in completing the licensing procedures for churches of the land authorities whose purpose was demolition and removal What was meant by the ideological goal is the destruction of manifestations The non-Muslim presence and the promotion of the rule of "manifestations of the Muslim state" in the culture that the authority seeks to impose an ideology to put Khartoum within the system of countries controlled by Islamic groups. 
• In 2011 another church was destroyed in Al-Haj Yousif district, north of Khartoum. 
• On June 19, 2012, the episcopal church buildings in Haj Youssef, which was established in 1987, were removed by order of the local administration. 
• On July 30, 2014, a church in Eziba Square 19 was removed, in the Taiba Al Ahmeda area, north of Khartoum. 
• On July 15, 2014, the Church of Christ of Sudan was removed by the Sudanese authorities, which were established in 1983 in the Taibah area in Khartoum, Bahri. According to the authorities, the removal was carried out on the pretext of disbelief, knowing that the church has more than 34 years. Of two thousand Christians at large events, all displaced from the Nuba Mountains. 
• In 2015, the Episcopal Church of Bamdurman was removed on 21 October 2016. The Sudanese authorities removed the building of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in the city of Udermann of the Hot Revolution. 29 The Lutheran Evangelical Church was founded in 1982 and registered in 1992. 
• 2017 The Church of the Christ Church in Soba was removed in Khartoum. 
• In 2017 partial removal of a church in Qadissiya Jabal Awlia, south of Khartoum. 
• In 2017 the Church of Christ was removed by the 29th revolution in Omdurman. 
• On February 11, 2018, the Evangelical Church in Sudan was destroyed and all its property confiscated. 

Closure of the structure and prevention of prayer 
on October 22 , 2017 raided a police force the Church of Christ in warm revolution 29 Omdurman and closed the temple and arrested Pastor Ayub Tlaan head of theSudanese Church of Christ congregation and Pastor Ali Governor General pastor ofChrist Church of the revolution warm 29 Rev. Emperor Hammad and evangelist Abel Ibrahim and Sheikh Abdul Baki Tutu Member of the executive committee for the presidency of the Church of the Christ of Sudan. 
Plan to remove the Christian impact from the residential map 
under the pretext of not obtaining the ratification of the Sudanese land authorities reveal a decision of the State Department of Khartoum State - ruled to target the removal of 25 churches in the cities of Khartoum carried Resolution No. 78-2015 - and the other 214-2014 from the Director General of the State of Khartoum (Not yet announced to the public) for the purpose of removing the decision was arbitrarily used and the lacunae remained in place before the areas where they were built were planned. 
Air bombing of churches 
• In March 2013, the Sudanese air force bombed the Church of Angelo in Kadugli, South Kordofan State. 
• On July 5, 2014, the Sudanese air force shelled a church in South Kordofan. 
On October 10, 2014, a church in Kadugli Tabulbo was burned by a bomb from the Sudanese Air Force - South Kordofan State. 
Assassination of the property 
in 2012 Following the secession of the south, a local village was used to "seize on the permissibility of the official political speech" buildings of the 56th school in the city of Thawra in Omdurman, which follows the schools of Kamboni. Despite a judicial decision by the Supreme Court " The school was organized by teachers, students and parents on June 8, 2015. A protest stand was held in front of the school buildings to protest the intransigence of the local education department of Karkari in Omdurman to implement the evacuation decision. What led to the arrest of the security apparatus and the National Intelligence director of the school of Isaac Andrew and a number of teachers from the vigil. Despite the decision of the competent court, which provided for a settlement whereby the school is returned to its owners after the end of the academic year 2012 - 2013. It is worth mentioning that the 280 students suffered to continue their education in another school 47, which need access to additional costs for transportation. The historical background of the school dates back to 1985, when it was founded by the Catholic Church after it completed all the legal procedures to be ratified by the plot of land which carried the number 606 square 56 Omdurman with an area of ​​3000 square meters fortified as a free king, A lease between the beneficial owner and the Government of the Sudan represented by the land authorities. 
Illegal Confiscation of the Security Service 
Although the National Security and Intelligence Act 2010 permits the seizure of property but does not permit confiscation without a warrant. 
• In 2012, three buildings designed to be stocked on Al-Ardah Street in Omdurman City were confiscated and 10 cars belonging to Aslan Foundation were also confiscated.
• In 2013, a 4,000-meter-long church in Khartoum, Khartoum, was seized without a court order and is now occupied by the Economic Department of the National Security and Intelligence Service. 
• In 2014, a property was seized on Mr. Abdulrahman Street in central Khartoum without a court order of 1000 square meters occupied by the National Security and Intelligence Service. 
• 2015 was confiscated without a court ruling Dar al-Azhari of the Southern Students Association in Khartoum city, which is 400 square meters. 
Closure of educational and cultural centers and the confiscation of their property 
• On February 15, 2013, the Christian Way Library, the Cultural Center and the Information Center of the Bible were confiscated without a court order. 
• On 15 January 2013, the National Security and Intelligence Service (NSS) was closed without giving the reasons for the LIFE Institute to teach Arabic. The owner and director of the Egyptian Christian Institute were asked to leave Sudan within 72 hours and 48 hours to leave the students. 
• On January 16, 2013, authorities closed the Creedo Institute for English Language and Computer Science in Al-Haj Yousif neighborhood in Khartoum. 
• On February 24, 2013, the authorities closed the Nile Valley Academy for basic education. 
• On January 16, 2013, the Aslan Institute for English Language and Computer Science was closed and is now occupied by the National Security and Intelligence Service, which has accused the Institute of teaching proselytizing activities, although proselytizing does not violate the law. 
• In 2014 the Harmony Technical Foundation was closed. 
• 18 February 2013 Security Service The Evangelical Cultural Center in Khartoum has closed 2013 and books, documents and media have been confiscated. 
On January 13, 2013, the Security Service closed the Nino Center for Languages ​​and Computer Science. 
• January 13, 2013 Close The Security and Intelligence Department of the Koko Institute in Omdurman. 

Confiscation of property belonging to Christians 
• Second case: In 2012, the SSB confiscated without a warrant the Swedish company for training and production, owned by Rifaat Samir, the assistant of the legitimate president of the Evangelical Community Council in addition to his car. 
• On January 28, 2015, the National Security and Intelligence Agency (NSS) denied Mr. Ashraf Samir, the brother-in-law of Rifat Samir Musaed, the legitimate head of the Evangelical Community Council from his three-acre farm, depriving him of using his property to leave Sudan while the security apparatus remained in control of his ranch in Khartoum. 
The disposition of non-Muslim property within the framework of the new resources The 
security and economic conditions associated with the political history of Sudan led to a large displacement which stabilized around the large cities in communities that started as camps and then turned into extensions of cities. The absence of the announcement of the housing plans that constitute the relationship between the state and the citizen in obtaining Housing has become an essential feature of these belts. Instead of adopting the principle of possession for housing, the authorities have created a management known as random housing to deprive the settled around the city belts from acquiring property in its initial stages, In the midst of these cities, religious facilities are being built from mosques and churches. The land authorities continued to struggle for the ratification of churches, for reasons that were linked after 1993 to the Sudanese government to exploit the land as a financial resource to compensate for the shortfall caused by the sanctions Economic zones imposed since 1997 were classified according to proximity to the center of the city to be forcibly displaced and demolition coupled with the use of violence to the churches, the land has been removed for sale in the form of what is known as investment, which means high price high, whether for foreigners orThe Sudanese are in a paradox where the relationship of citizenship granting the right to housing requires a symbolic sum that does not exceed administrative fees for state transactions. 
 The land authorities, the national security apparatus, the intelligence services and the SAF shall immediately cease the closure, removal, confiscation, burning of property of non-Muslims. 
 The land authorities, the National Security Agency, the Intelligence and the Sudanese Armed Forces must return the property, the immediate rehabilitation of which destroyed the fair compensation for the period in which the communities or individuals were deprived of their use. 
 The Ministry of Justice must open a fair, fair and transparent investigation into these violations and bring those involved to a fair trial. 
 The Sudanese parliament should supervise to ensure the existence of houses of worship, education and culture for non-Muslims within the plan of the Ministry of Engineering Affairs - Land Department. 
 The Sudanese Parliament must intervene urgently to stop the removal of 25 churches in the state of Khartoum in accordance with a decision of the Land Authority in 2017.

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