Saturday 28 April 2018

Sudan news!!!

 Sudan News
 Russian expert blows up a surprise about the reason for the dismissal of Ibrahim Ghandour
A Russian Expert Explodes On The Reason Why Ibrahim Ghandour Was Sacked
A Russian expert explodes on the reason why Ibrahim Ghandour was sacked

04-27-2018 01:48 PM
"African Youth Protector," the title of an article by Evgeny Satanovsky, at the Corrier Military Industries, on the reasons for the dismissal of Omar al-Bashir to his foreign minister, and other things. 

According to the article, under the subheading "Sudan 's title is filed vizier": 

Sudanese President Omar al - Bashir sacked Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour from office. The decision was announced less than three hours after the president returned from Saudi Arabia, where he participated in the 29th Arab League summit. The official reason for the resignation of the foreign minister was his speech in parliament, in which he accused certain government departments of delaying payment of salaries to the diplomatic corps for seven months.

Gandhur's main task as secretary of state was to lift or weaken US sanctions on Sudan.Saudi Arabia and the United States have become key partners in Khartoum. Ghandour worked actively to strengthen ties with Riyadh. The sanctions have been lifted in part, but Sudan is still on the State Department's list as a state sponsor of terrorism. 

The need for an extra-independent minister has dried up and relations between the central bank and Riyadh have been strained over the backdrop of the latter's unwillingness to support Sudan's economy with regular financial tranches. The UAE replaced Saudi Arabia in this role ... Thus, Ghandour's fate became undetermined, increasing tensions between Khartoum and Washington. 

The point of no return for Bashir was the visit of US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan, last November, to Sudan. During a meeting with Ghandour (US officials do not meet Bashir because of ICC judgments), he expressed Washington's negative position on the current president's decision to run for the 2020 elections. Ghandour told the prime minister this, not the head of state. He was the last suspect in an attempt to oust him from power with the support of the United States. This was the incident that prompted the Sudanese president to launch the idea of ​​a Russian military base as a message to Washington. 

Related News: Video: How the Sudanese Foreign Ministry celebrated the Deputy Secretary of State,
Mr. Ghandour, had stopped a crisis in relations with Egypt, which could have turned into a military conflict. The minister succeeded in reducing tensions between the two countries, although a number of senior Sudanese officials and Bashir himself believed that fighting alongside Ethiopia against the Egyptian presence in Eritrea. But the president of Sudan no longer needs Ghandour. 

Russia Today

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