Friday 26 April 2013

South AND north Sudan

Sudan, S. Sudan Finalize Formation of Agreements Implementation Mechanisms
Khartoum – Sudan negotiators announced that the two countries have completed the formation of necessary mechanisms to implement the cooperation agreements the two countries concluded on 27th September 2012.
In press statement the delegation said the cooperation agreements and the implementation matrix represent one package which should be implemented in its entirety. The delegation said four levels have been identified to ensure the implementation of the agreements: presidential, the higher committee, ministerial and technical committee levels.
The higher level is made up of the two Vice Presidents and four Ministers from each party among them the Foreign Ministers. This committee is tasked to ensure coordination for implementation. It gives the Foreign Ministries a pivotal role in coordinating, following up and supervising implementation.
The ministerial committee is tasked to follow up on the implementation and report to the higher committee. The technical committees will report to the ministerial committees.
The higher committee will review the implementation mechanism after 12 months and report to the two Presidents.
The statement said the mechanism made necessary arrangements to resolve any conflict that might occur during the implement and if the problem is not resolved it will be referred to the higher level until it reaches the two presidents. If the problem is not resolved at the summit level, the two presidents will seek the guidance of the principles contained in the statutes of the UN and AU which allow, inter alia, the resort to a third party to resolve the conflict.
The statement said the AU statute and the UN charter provide options for peaceful resolution of conflicts including negotiations, enquiry, mediation, arbitration, judiciary, regional settlement or any other peaceful solution agreed upon by the two parties.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, welcomes the outcomes of the extraordinary session of the Joint Political and Security Mechanism (JPSM), held in Addis Ababa, from 22 to 23 April 2013, and the Lead Negotiating Panel (LNP), held between 18 and 23 April 2013, between the Government of Sudan and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan.
The meetings were convened by the AU High-Level Implementation Panel on Sudan and South Sudan (AUHIP). The meeting of the JPSM was co-chaired by the Minister of Defense of Sudan, First Lieutenant-General Abdul-Rahim Mohammed Hussein, and the Minister of Irrigation and Water Affairs of the Republic of South Sudan, Mr. Paul Mayom Akech. The meeting of the LNP was co-chaired by Minister Idriss Abdelgadir of the Sudan and Minister Deng Alor Kuol of the Republic of South Sudan.
The Chairperson of the Commission commends the Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) for his work in assisting the Parties to implement the security agreements. In this respect, she notes the briefing given by him on the establishment of the various monitoring bodies related to the implementation of the security agreements, including the demilitarization of the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone and the verification of concerns and complaints of the Parties.
At the same time, the Chairperson of the Commission notes the Force Commander’s report that on-the ground monitoring and verification of complaints and concerns cannot be completed until the Joint Border Monitoring and Verification Mission (JBVMM) and the various ad hoc committees have been established. In this regard, she reiterates AU’s urgent appeal to the United Nations Security Council for it to adopt the necessary resolutions to increase the authorized strength of UNISFA, in order to enable it to fulfill its mandate, including verification of force disengagement and demilitarization on the ground in the SDBZ.
The Chairperson of the Commission notes with satisfaction that this meeting marks the final extraordinary meeting of the JPSM held under the auspices of the AUHIP, and that future meetings of the JPSM will be ordinary meetings, convened and managed by the Parties themselves. The AUHIP will nonetheless continue to support the process for the foreseeable future, including through the provision of expertise as and when requested by the Parties.
The Chairperson of the Commission welcomes the decision by the Parties to establish ten border crossing points along their border, of which eight would open immediately, as an important step in the integration process between Sudan and South Sudan.
The Chairperson of the Commission further welcomes the decision by the LNP to adopt the Mechanisms for Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Dispute Resolution relating to the Cooperation Agreement. The Mechanisms elaborate the different levels of oversight and coordination of all the elements of the Cooperation Agreement culminating in regular Summits of the Heads of State of the two countries.
The Chairperson of the Commission commends the continued progress of the Parties in establishing two mutually viable states living together in peace and prosperity. She commends the AUHIP, for its continued commitment to accompanying the leadership of Sudan and South Sudan.

By Al-Sammani Awadallah, 1 day 9 hours ago 

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