Thursday 13 September 2012

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt closer to the group al-Turabi from the group al-Bashir.

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt closer to the group al-Turabi from the group al-Bashir, Egypt pave the way for the Bashir regime to make concessions in accordance with the Egyptian-American deal Brushes "red carpet" to receive Bashir in Cairo 09-13-2012 02:43 AM Khartoum: Ahmed Younis - London: Mustafa Sri Intends to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to visit Egypt next Sunday at the head of a senior delegation on his first visit to Heliopolis, the center of many indications point to improved relations between the two countries, especially after the arrival of «Brotherhood» to power in Egypt, as expected arrival of the delegation senior Egyptian headed by Dr. Hesham Kandil, Council of Ministers on the eighteenth of this month. And sent the Egyptian leadership under President Mohamed Morsi many references refer to the possibility of opening Egypt doors to President Bashir, and the possibility of brushes «red carpet» to receive it, given that the two systems rulers of the two countries are both «Islamic», although different way and they arrived to the Presidential Palace. Did not put President berth in its agenda a visit to Sudan, which hit Khartoum b «disappointment», because they assume that the Sudan was «must» be one of his priorities, but implemented at the same time positions in support of the Sudan, despite the doubts hovering around the fact relationship «brothers» Egypt group governing in Khartoum, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nearest them to set Turabi group al-Bashir. Observers believe that the interests of Egypt paid toward Sudan, while تشدها American attitudes as the strategic ally of Egypt away from the rule of President Bashir, and do the same thing «arrest warrant» issued against him by the International Criminal Court, and advertising American frank as «stop» aid provided by any President Al-Bashir receives state, but urged the world to implement the arrest warrant. He believed the source did not disclose his name said that Egypt, as is the need to «America», they are at the same time you need Sudan strongly, especially on the subject of the Nile Basin and the signs of conflict between the Nile Basin countries, in addition to the desire of Egyptian investment in Sudan, and to prevent the transformation of Sudan to source «risk »Background on Egypt, especially after the announcement of the Israeli presence in the State of South Sudan, and the tension that prevails in Egypt's Sinai region. And go analyzes observers that the Egyptians may play a decree to provide attribution to the hose, return for their concessions, according to the American Egyptian coordinated deal, pay the Americans to turn a blind eye on the subject of «ICC. In a gesture is the first of its kind in a decade Zamani adviser said the former president Mustafa Osman Ismail in a workshop dedicated to the relations between the two countries, the opening of the coastal road link between the two countries will not be before the agreement on the fate of «triangle Halaib» occupied Egypt, and was scheduled to open the land route link between Egypt and Sudan «Qustul - Wadi Halfa» in the twenty-second of this month, but the opening was postponed to January (January) of next year, and attributed the Chief of Egypt Foreign Ministry Sudanese Ambassador Issam Awad Metwalli Speaking to reporters postpone the opening that the Egyptian side presented new proposals to complete its facilities, although Sudan, according to him, more fully what it is, which indicates that there is something brewing there. The Chancellor journalist for President Bashir journalist Imad Sayed Ahmed said in remarks carried by site, state television that the visit takes two days, and include a meeting between the two presidents Bashir and President Mursi, and meetings with senior Egyptian officials, accompanied by Bashir in which the Minister of the Presidency Bakri Hassan Saleh, and Foreign Minister Ali Karti , and the director of the National Intelligence and Security Services Mohammed Atta, and the Ministers of Agriculture, electricity, livestock, industry, and the decision of the Supreme Council for Investment. For his part count, Sudan's ambassador in Cairo, Kamal Hassan visit confirmation on the availability of political will between the two countries for the implementation of projects and bilateral agreements, and related agreement 'four freedoms'. Noteworthy that the first face-to-face meeting between the two presidents after Mercy took the presidency of Egypt has been on the sidelines of the African Union summit held in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in July last year. Ties Sudanese Egyptian upswing these days, and the ambassador said Issam Awad Metwalli The relationship will enter next month a new phase, although Egyptian Prime Minister Dr. Hisham Qandil face holding joint committees between the two countries, and develop a road map for the months of September and October (October). And joint committees between the two countries, the most important of the border crossing points and the four freedoms meeting will be held during the current month in Khartoum and Cairo. Middle East

1 comment:

  1. Bashir will give some facilities to Egyptions and some land to cultivate as gift so that they have to support his case agaianst the International Criminal Court.....why not SUDAN belongs to him ....................azim
