Tuesday 18 September 2012

The GERMANS had doen nothing.

Groups, religious mania exacerbate the overall crisis in the country 09-18-2012 12:10 AM Sulaiman Al-Haj We in the Sudanese Communist Party condemn insulting Islam and the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has published a position in our newspaper and other newspapers. But at the same time we condemn the attack on the embassies and ambassadors from our principled position on the relations of the countries and attacks on its citizens and kill them because of a crime committed by an individual from another country. And who flaunt Islam they have to recognize the goals of the verse (no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another). The question that imposes itself, Where were these Jealous on Islam and not the messenger and by when analyzed rescue deal in riba authority and looted funds Hajj and Umrah In the Zakat pilfer item called money for the sake of Allah. Hence, the purpose behind this frenzy induces other issues under the guise of defending the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is a prelude to enable groups of religious mania of clamping down on the authority to impose Islamic constitution and the confiscation of democracy and all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and international covenants, including the freedom of religion. On the other hand, it is also aimed at cutting the road on the negotiations now under way in Addis Ababa to resolve outstanding issues and normalization between the two brotherly countries. They put in the forefront of their choices assault on southern state and return it by force of arms as part of the north to loot the expertise and the enslavement of its citizens under the guise of Islamization of the South. The government of the National Congress Party is taking full responsibility for what happened, as they are encouraged by these groups since the smoothness nails and funded and allowed them to build castles huge under the guise of building mosques, and became home to hundreds of Alaoan her request for eating, drinking and shelter against brainwashed and forced them to do any work serve the interests of the mundane and under the guise of religion also. Instead of reviewing authority policies toward these groups said Vice President of the National Council Hajo Mr. department told parliament on September 16, 2012, that the parliament through the Commission on Security and Defense requires the Minister of the Interior and Istvsrh for the occurrence of the police towards the citizens!! We are against the use of police violence against demonstrations legitimate guaranteed by the Constitution to citizens. But we also wonder, where was this when Parliament used the security services and militias National Congress of the worst forms of violence against student demonstrations, women and other citizens and attached to serious harm a number of them and arrested hundreds for long periods and tortured some. Is this not an agent standard one كفتيه outweigh the favor enable religious mania groups and encourage them to walk as he declared of the program and what is underlying it. The corollary is that the U.S. administration expresses outrage evacuated its staff from Sudan and warns its citizens from traveling to threaten to move its embassy from Khartoum to Nairobi. And some European countries announced that they will follow the ideals. Does this benefit Sudan in anything or is it out of its crisis deepens, which uses the power of the rescue and begging for some of these countries to mediate in everything related to Sudan, even in bridging the budget deficit. Therefore, the modern member of the political sector of the National Congress Party (the U.S. embassy in Khartoum meaningless building) does not reflect the reality. Fbd Ati Situated career knows full well that the U.S. Embassy's nose planted in particularly our properties, including paid by the government to increase taxes and improve collection. They contribute through the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in economic policy-making and the country's financial. Enough is enough justification to do group of political Islam and religious mania and will result in the country's future, and even the future agents of power now. Not surprised occur system Bulsanin. Tongue other expressed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its agent the mercy of God and Mohammed Othman said he hoped that the protests do not affect that we have seen the U.S. Embassy last Friday on the relationship between Sudan and the United States. He said it would not affect the relationship of the two countries and will be a transient isolated incident and will end with the crisis film politicized Islam. This happens every mania in time that there is every indication that the goodwill between the two countries may lead to a solution to all outstanding problems between the two countries. At the time arrived when the mediation team from the African Union Khartoum yesterday Monday, September 17, 2012 m to deliver the proposal on Abyei Bashir and moving to Juba to deliver Kiir with proposed to express the parties ملاحظتهما on the proposal before clearance and approval Paljmah 21/09/2012 AD also at a time when the official spokesman government in the negotiations Ambassador Badr al-Din Abdullah to be initialed on all files being around negotiation, noting that the final signature at the conclusion of the negotiations in this round, which he considered recent. Scenarios have become advocates of war and multiple tactics exposed to the people of Sudan, which has not responded to them and foiled their plan to escalate the incident the film to serve all of their program. From this standpoint, we warmly applaud the courage of girls who went out in a silent demonstration carrying placards reading (I am a Muslim.'m Against violence. Not to abuse of religions ... Islam a religion of peace) and found Tzhardhen broad support from the Sudanese street expressed himself in applause passing them and continued horns all cars loud acclaim what Srhan in front of everyone for their initiative incite anti-violence and respect for diplomatic missions and nationals of Western countries and foreign and not to endanger their lives at risk. Breadth of such demonstrations courage against the advocates of religious mania and induces terrorism Jama other opinion is who Alqmanm stone and fail all their plans that do not include the protection of Islam no matter how high their voices claim. Field

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