Monday 10 September 2012

South AND North....................SUDAN

Mixed reactions about the agreement Khartoum and Juba 'four freedoms'

09-10-2012 01:22 AM

Sana Shaheen (Khartoum) - varied reactions in Khartoum about the agreement between the states of Sudan and South Sudan in Addis Ababa yesterday to activate a previous agreement between the two countries on providing four freedoms which "residence, work, own property, mobility" in front of the two peoples both in the other country as a prelude to put the agreement on the table to sign part of an integrated package of solutions to the outstanding issues between the two countries at the upcoming summit between the two heads of state Omar al-Bashir and Salva Kiir. The African Commission issued a high-level negotiations Sudan and South Sudan in the capital on the outstanding issues in Addis Ababa circular press which confirmed that the two delegations completed their working group on grace conditions of citizens of the two countries and the two sides secure an agreement last March. The statement pointed to the formation of a committee headed by interior ministers of the two countries to follow up the issues of the citizens of the two countries.

And signed by the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan last March on two framework agreements on citizenship and the demarcation of the border between them, and ensure their agreement on nationality on the application of the four freedoms of the citizens of the two countries. The head of the government delegation announced Idris Abdul Qadir negotiator at the time that the initial agreement about sexual included four freedoms between citizens of the two countries, pointing to the organization between the two countries in accordance with the procedures and laws on the basis of reciprocity. He pointed to the formation of a higher ministerial committee between the two countries headed by the Ministers of Interior to complete the regularization of the citizens of the two countries, noting that the Committee will work to ensure speed up the deportation of those wishing to return from the two sides.

In Khartoum intersected issued reactions from political forces and other ordinary citizens about the agreement. And praised the strong current in the deal as opposition political Secretary of the Popular Congress Party, Kamal Omar important and positive step. He said the agreement "contributes to the development of relations between the two parts of Sudan." He stressed that his party, led by Islamist leader Hassan al-Turabi "support any agreement contributes to improving relations with South Sudan and is looking forward to open the border between the two countries and the Declaration of Abyei area integration."

On his part, said journalist and political analyst Diaa Eddin Bilal said the agreement serves the common interests between the two countries, especially economic interests and added that South Sudan can be a wide market for the products Sudanese private agricultural crops. He pointed out that his country was ripe for the production of large quantities of crops this season, especially corn, which is the staple food of the people of the South.

Bilal believes that the agreement "may serve to resolve security issues as to achieve security needs to be an atmosphere conducive It is unreasonable to give the State of the freedoms of the citizens of the State fight it or contribute to the tense security situation in parts of them." And shared this viewpoint Abdullah Sayed Ahmed and adds that the agreement four freedoms "gains to Sudan as the South Sudan and provides employment opportunities for the Sudanese as a nation and promising in this sector are also available where good opportunities for investment in all sectors as well as the agreement gives 8 million Sudanese right grazing within the territory of the State of the South. "

This compares with current opinion last shows question the feasibility of the agreement for northern Sudan and shown concern about the security dimensions could entail. He Moataz Salah that the agreement constitutes a threat security is very dangerous for the future of peace and stability in the country under the policy of veto agreements pursued by the Juba between now and then, and added: Another important aspect is the animosity and grudges held by Southerners people and government towards Sudan and its people dry away this feeling, it probably needs for many years.

And captures Mohammed Issa thread to talk and says that this agreement in which injustice to the Sudanese in the north and a lifeline for South Sudan that suffer deepening economic crisis and tight great food and humanitarian needs and to ensure shelter for its citizens and subsistence, settlement and employment and open ways to work and earn a living for them in the north, pointing out that thousands of الجنوبين waiting This agreement to return to the north and get rid of the bad conditions in which they live in the south while the citizens of the north they will pay the bill.

For his part, the office leader for a just peace platform, which is headed by Tayeb Mustafa, free Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, rejected the principle of discussion or put the issue in the negotiations, pointing out that the National Congress rejected by the four freedoms agreement also rejected an agreement wholesome - and property. The platform of peace said he can not discuss the four freedoms in the presence of the southern state forces crowds inside Sudanese territory and infringement on citizens.


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