Saturday 29 September 2012

The uncle of Bashir is on a trab!!!!!

Freedom of residence - ownership - and the movement of citizens of the two countries as part of an agreement in Addis Ababa «Why do presidential Khal after the signing of these agreements? 09-29-2012 12:40 AM Sauna - returned to ELPLA Friday afternoon together with Mr. / President of the Republic of the Sudan delegation negotiator in Addis Ababa negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan. In a press statement at Khartoum Airport confirmed Professor Idris Abdulkadir head of Sudan's delegation negotiating the Sudan and South Sudan signed in the presence of President al-Bashir and Salva Kiir-year cooperation agreement thereunder several agreements to back and support the cooperation and integration between the two countries. The sovereignty reviewed the agreements signed indicating that the first agreement is the agreement that included military and security between the two countries containing التريبات security, explaining that there will not be any cooperation or integration between any two countries is not available, the security climate conducive to cooperation. Kader added that it will be held promptly Security Committee meetings between the two countries headed by the Ministers of Defense to develop a detailed arrangements for the security file, stressing that the agreement Sajaz by the parliaments of the two countries within forty days. The head of the delegation of the Sudan negotiator countries completed their agreement oil will be redirected companies operating fields south and fields Sudan quickly pumping oil south through the north of the Ports World, explaining that he has agreed on prices and payment method and payment guarantees, adding that he agreed to exempt the debts of each party to the other petroleum or government exemption altogether. The head of delegation of the Sudan negotiator sides signed agreements in the economic sphere, explaining they comprehensive framework agreements in the commercial aspects and banking relations and the settlement of situations Almaahien and after-service benefits for the citizens of the South, who were working in Sudan. Regarding Sudan's foreign debt Qadir confirmed that it was agreed between the two countries to have a common quest them to negotiate with the international community, especially the Paris Club with the support of the African Union until these debts are exempt. Kader added that the countries will seek to meet with the international community to provide transitional arrangements for supplies agreements, pointing out that South Sudan will pay 3 billion and $ 28 million, representing one third of the amount while pushing Sudan another third and the final third paid by the international community. With respect to the issue of Abyei Qadir confirmed the commitment of Sudan Abyei Protocol is included in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which provides for a referendum in the region and to configure for the Referendum Commission indicating that the Commission's first task is to set standards for citizenship and the right to vote in the referendum. The Chairman of the Sudanese delegation negotiator that if the opinion of the parties of Sudan and South Sudan that the referendum is complex and does not achieve peace in the region, the Sudan willing to discuss alternative solutions outside the protocol of Abyei, adding that any alternative options beyond the formation of the Commission considered that exceeded protocol and exceeded the peace agreement. And on the border between the two countries said head of the delegation of Sudan negotiator that the two countries agreed on the demarcation of the border agreed between them and continue dialogue on disputed territories, indicating that it had been hiring of Border Programme AU and African experts additional and Abdel Kader that the parties completed their signing of the agreements relating to the status citizens of both countries in the other country South Sudan Sudan and the citizens of Sudan, Southern Sudan, explaining that was signed on freedom of residence - acquisitions - the movement of citizens of both countries on the Commission should be between the two countries comprising the Ministers of Interior in both countries and the competent authorities such as the police, explaining that this committee will laws and regulations of that organization and thanked the head of the delegation Sudan negotiator state Ethiopia and Prime Minister late Meles Zenawi, the Prime Minister the current Dessalines indicating that they were keen to always create good relations and lasting peace between Sudan and South Sudan also thanked sovereignty mechanism African senior-level delegation headed by President Mbeki for their efforts in order to bring the views between the parties Abdulkadir thanked President Salva Kiir for his good spirit during the negotiations. The new head of the delegation of the Sudan negotiator thanks to the delegation of South Sudan negotiating team, headed by Mr. Pagan Amum of the flexibility they had shown during the negotiation.

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