Tuesday 25 September 2012

The head of state should be like Switzerland for one year and 6 states turn.

Opposition declares document Democratic Alternative 09-25-2012 11:13 AM Khartoum: Mohamed Said: declared opposition alliance yesterday, and document the Democratic Alternative, which provides the establishment of a parliamentary system and the rule consists of six provinces and the appointment of 20 ministers in the executive branch and hold elections at the end of the transitional period, and ensure the participation of emerging powers and modern parties according to proportional representation and the abolition of laws restricting freedoms and take effective measures to stop the fire and the recognition of the basic demands and political armed groups and fringe movements. A member of the alliance, Mohammed Ziauddin, in platform Alliance Media, said the document included the organization of conferences specialist for the economy, education, health and reforms urgent economic crisis and foreign policy of the state, and to reconsider the ruling and Federal Civil Service and Statutory bodies and independence of the judiciary. He noted that the coalition operation mode of proportional representation in elections to overcome the negative aspects of the past decades and ensure the participation of Sudanese, stressing that the transitional government will promote economic and health duties, educational and political. For its part, expressed the prominent forces الحدثية (right) and member of the coalition, Hala Halim, concerns about the difficulty of dialogue about the document, and said the lack of freedoms and stop the activities of political parties hinder hold open discussions on the document, but confirmed that the alliance will try to break the wall of isolation in soon to download programs on the ground, stressing that it auditable programs and dialogue. For his part, the president of the Alliance forces of national consensus, Farouk Abu Issa, that the opposition does not (gasping) behind the power, but you want to pull the country out of the monopoly which led it to Derek immemorial and said «We do not want a ruling Anttalaa him«. He renewed his accusation that the National Conference as a promising draft constitution for approval as a permanent constitution for the country and said «We know that there is a draft constitution had prepared a year ago, as we know the place where promising. The face of Abu Issa fierce criticism of the government and said it wants to repeat the era of bilateral agreements with the State of the South, stressing that the opposition will be the instruments of democratic alternative and constitutional proclamation publicly to conduct dialogues around them despite the tightening continued it, and expressed his belief that the attempt National Congress to establish a permanent constitution in the absence of freedoms is unacceptable Aassande logic and reality. For its part, announced responsible packaging and media alliance, Mary Sadiq al-Mahdi, the opposition will not exceed the armed movements and marginal in the two documents Tranmha the Sudanese, and confirmed that the process inevitable to save the country from the state disorientation and stop bleeding migration towards the outside, and said the records indicate to leave thousands of Sudanese request to live decent Mary expected to refer to the UN negotiation African Peace and Security to make a decision adopted by the UN Security Council later imposed on the two countries if talks fail. Press

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