Tuesday 25 September 2012

Now they have to signe peace!!!

Bashir and Salva continue their talks .. Khartoum: All options are open, and presidents are optimistic «Bashir and Abdul Rahim exchanging ideas» 09-25-2012 02:12 AM London: Mustafa Sri Met with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and South Sudan President Salva Kiir again in Addis Ababa yesterday to follow up on their talks initiated by direct Sunday about the differences that have pushed the two countries to the brink of war last spring. Deng Alor said southern Sudan's chief negotiator, said the talks between the two presidents was suspended yesterday morning and then resumed yesterday afternoon. He added chlorine after the suspension of the meeting that «two presidents met currently Itbagesan on various topics with members of their delegations, particularly on the disputed border areas. The meeting was attended by Haile Mariam Ddisalana Ethiopian Prime Minister and President Thabo Mbeki and the African Union mediator, former South African president. Did not seep sufficient information on the progress of the talks closed efforts to find a final settlement of the issues that remained outstanding after the peace agreement in 2005 put an end to decades of civil war between southern rebels and the Khartoum government and resulted in the independence of South Sudan in July 2011. He was seen Sunday night presidents and two smiling after the first session of their talks, which lasted two hours in the Ethiopian capital. A Western diplomat said «we remain optimistic about the possibility of reaching some sort of agreement without giving further details, according to Agence France-Presse yesterday. The announcement of this rare summit between the presidents of Sudan and South Sudan raised hopes in the possibility of reaching a comprehensive agreement after it appeared that the round of talks between the two countries' negotiators did not produce any fruitful results. We have already met Bashir and Kiir separately on July 14 on the sidelines of a summit of the African Union in their first meeting since the dense border battles between armies March and May two. Following the meeting, stressed the south Sudanese negotiator Pagan Amum that the two presidents reached a «preliminary agreements on all outstanding issues of disagreement between the two countries. It was tentatively scheduled to hold a summit in early April last to resolve these issues but they were canceled after border battles. The international community has stepped up, which is deeply concerned by the shift differences between Juba and Khartoum to a new conflict and widespread pressure on the two heads of state to reach a final agreement. And ended Saturday deadline given by the African Union for the two countries, which had been extended after exceeding the original schedule specified in the 2 August last year. In early August, reached Khartoum and Juba agreement on oil includes private return transport south Sudan oil pipeline north, one of the thorny issues between the two neighboring countries. Southern Sudan has inherited 75% of Sudan's oil after separation but in exported depends on the infrastructure of the North. Still on the two countries to agree on the details of the oil agreement, as well as the development of the disputed region of Abyei and the demarcation of the border and the establishment of a demilitarized buffer zone. The aim of this buffer zone to prevent renewed border clashes and also to cut supply lines of the rebel movements active in the states of South Kordofan and the Blue Nile Alsudanatin Khartoum, Juba is accused of backing. And emphasizes both the Juba and Khartoum months ago their desire for peace, but many of the agreements already signed, especially on the demilitarized zone has not been implemented so far as a violation of several covenants to prevent abuse. However, the two countries are in dire need to deal after that conflict has resulted to the deterioration and placed economic dramatically, especially since stopped Juba oil production in January (January) in protest at the Khartoum deduct part of its oil for transportation through its territory because of the lack of agreement on fees transport. Furthermore, the ambassador said Badr al-Din Abdullah Mohammed Ahmed, a spokesman for the Sudanese delegation's Al-Sharq al-Awsat from Addis Ababa that there are a number of issues you can not top Presidents Omar al-Bashir and Salva Kiir Mayardit South resolved to reach agreement. He added that the cases of «inclination 14» and the Abyei area are considered one of the most complex issues, pointing out that the atmosphere among presidents positive and they stressed the Azimthma to achieve a final agreement, but he returned and said «the possibilities are open by scenarios in», but he refused to go into details, The «There is a meeting this evening - yesterday - and we'll see if there is an agreement or not, but let this optimism. And stands on specific issues stumbling block to reaching an agreement, the regions «14 miles» and Abyei disputed borders the two countries, the sources added that Sudan has refused to unequivocally waive the «tendency 14» Although the delegation negotiator had agreed last Saturday ahead of the summit on MAP AU including «tendency 14» terms that are pulled EP from the region and the formation of a special administrative, and added «but declined Sudanese delegation then before the summit», said: The issue of Abyei is also facing difficulties as well as «tendency 14» in Presidential Summit, and noted that the economic issues, including oil file has become a foregone conclusion. And planned to leave South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit, the Ethiopian capital yesterday after his summit with al-Bashir to New York to participate in the meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Middle East

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