Friday 14 September 2012

Now the North Sudan!!!

Government and the issue of Halaib «Mustafa Osman Ismail» 09-14-2012 01:04 AM Babiker Faisal Babiker The adviser said the President of the Republic, Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, in a seminar entitled "What does he want new Sudan from Egypt?" Organized newspaper "Al-Ahram today," The Sudanese government (will not open the land route coastal between Sudan and Egypt on the Red Sea, before determining the fate of the triangle «Halaib» disputed between the two countries), and called for the completion of the Convention «four freedoms», and the signing of the Egyptian side them, and signing protocol traffic between the two countries, and the opening of the crossings. Interview Dr. Mustafa is the first of its kind to a government official in this thorny issue and delicate, which had dared Dr. Mustafa himself dwell therein when he was foreign minister for many years which raises questions natural about the accuracy of his and how he put it on the real position of the government. Official government position on the issue of Halaib remained in check "silence" for more than a decade in which the Egyptian government to hand the entire region. And I have written in a previous article to me about this subject say "mark negative other knighted relationship Egyptian-Sudanese is the dispute over the triangle Halayeb that erupted since the fifties of the last century did not resolve until today. Seized Egypt (state) triangle squatters untapped state of weakness and vulnerability and bellows that Government Rescue hit in the wake of the attempted assassination of ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. As part of the bargaining suppressed not to escalate the issue and submit them to the Security Council silent rescue claim triangle while Egypt has effectively when added to become a part of its territory. " At the same time he made it, Dr. Mustafa talking about government objected to Avfattah land route coastal before determining Halaib, quoted News said General Authority for Roads bridges and road transport in Egypt, "She puts currently finalizing the opening of the new international between Egypt and Sudan on 20 Sept. which will reduce significantly the cost of transport between the two countries ", which was announced by Chairman Ibrahim Amer, who added that" the cost of establishing Axle Qustul - Wadi Halfa between Egypt and Sudan amounted to about 45 million pounds (7.4 million dollars). " We are here confronted with two views, one confirms the opening of the road on the twentieth of this month, and the other linking the opening of the road to settle the issue of Halaib, and probably have the road open as scheduled because it is not practical to link it access to an agreement on the issue of government remained silent about and suddenly discovered that they need to solve this speed. Regarding the Egyptian position already said and I repeat today that it should not count Egypt (state) a continuation of the status quo, which was dictated by circumstances progress experienced by the regime still in dire straits preferred to waive part of the territory of his country in exchange gains Takticah help survival and continuance in power, the issue is more so much. Is in the eyes of international law - at least from the point of view of Sudanese - the issue of the occupation of part of the country by force and attempt to impose a fait accompli and thus constitute a ticking time bomb scenario explosively at any time. He further said that he could not address the issue with silence chronic long as this kind of pain does not sedative Ttabbh. Must negotiate about the matter in the framework of transparency, credibility and openness between neighbors and brothers if inaccessible to resolve ways and means of diplomatic and political, the recourse to the courts and justice institutions International sufficient guarantee that receives each party legal rights of legitimate and then Collapse this file painful by and peace. She stressed that Egypt (revolution) should know that the continuation of the current situation in the triangle of Halaib will not last forever. And that once happened democratic change in Sudan, the issue will be at the forefront of the agenda of the new system. And that the longer the current situation continues in the triangle, it will only lead to further accumulation of acrimony and suspicion and discord and injustice in the minds of the Sudanese. Which will have a great impact on the future relations between the two countries. So we must accelerate the trend towards finding an agreed solution and ensure the rights of both parties. Halayeb dispute broke out since the fifties of the last century, but the democratic government elected at that time did not fall silent as the government did rescue but qualified its position very clearly did not have to compromise because of a transient political position makes it vulnerable her unable to claim their rights in the dispute. If the Sudanese government is serious in its need to resolve the issue of Halaib it has to open this file in full transparency with the Government of Egypt (revolution) through negotiation serious underlying head diplomat (Foreign Minister), and not by launching the words in the air to former foreign minister did not know that He had said, saying this within the format of "strategic" between the ruling party and the government or is it expressing his own view? If were not statements of Dr. Mustafa Osman deliberate and within a clear strategy for dealing with this file, it will be in the box statements random duplicate accustomed government leaders launched in various issues and then return to the retracted easily, which may reveal the next few days which will see the opening of coastal land route linking Sudan and Egypt.

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