Wednesday 12 September 2012

National Congress government sells Sudan property in Britain.

National Congress government sells Sudan property in Britain 09-11-2012 07:17 PM I learned British sources familiar with Sudanese issue for the Government of Sudan to act to sell the property of the Republic of Sudan in a secret deal sale 13 property owned by the Government of Sudan since independence and the most important of the so-called "House of Sudan," in Rutland Gate Rutland area Gate, London, and estimated the deal at $ 100 million. It is worth mentioning that the intention of the Government of Sudan on sale of property Sudan, London, and especially House Sudan has sparked controversy long over the past years has been unable to attempts were from some of the leaders system invalidate the deal after the success of a deal were conducted with global company Bupa Bupa Health Insurance estimated 10 million euro off for 5 years for workers Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad .. The sources pointed out that the sale of real estate partner was hidden where Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Hassan, Minister of State Cabinet, in addition to financial and external agents .. The sources said that the government of Sudan has sent a commission of inquiry into the circumstances of the deal last month of the transaction partners themselves and ended with nothing .. The government of Sudan has sold Heathrow Airport line - Khartoum to British Airways, which led to deny Sudan Airways landing rights at Heathrow Airport has recently announced the Ministry of Transport for investigations into the sale is completed Heathrow line, converting those involved to justice ..

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