Saturday 8 September 2012

«When grappling elephants, the grass alone is dying»

Multi oil is not a significant disagreements .. Juba demanding the international community to put pressure on Khartoum to agree to demilitarized border areas.

«When grappling elephants, the grass alone is dying»

Yesterday's round between the two sides continued to border issues, oil and Nationality
09-08-2012 02:44 AM
Mustafa secret

Demanded the Republic of South Sudan international community to pressure the Sudanese government to get it to accept a map of the African Union on the DMZ, and considered that Khartoum's refusal to continuous and intransigence threatens peace and regional and international security with the deadline given by the Security Council of the parties to reach a final agreement on outstanding issues, and comes in sync with Washington launched warnings that Sudan's refusal to accept a settlement on the border with South Sudan could spark «immediate struggle.

The Sudanese sources told «Middle East»: «The Sudan is still focused on the need to address the security file, as the right approach to address all outstanding issues between the two countries, while for the United States and South Sudan that it is necessary to lead a petroleum address the outstanding issues, and this is what a divergence in the positions of the two countries during the current negotiations in Addis Ababa.

Said Atif Kerr, a spokesman for the delegation of the Republic of South Sudan, told «Middle East» of Addis Ababa, which hosts the negotiations between Khartoum and Juba, the delegation of Sudan still refuses map provided by the African Union for the parties on the DMZ private inclination (14) which says Khartoum is a region belonging to the international borders were annexed to southern Sudan. «We announced our acceptance despite our observations map around our desire to achieve peace and security between us and to achieve regional and international peace, pointing out that the African map transitional and temporary and not final. He said that Khartoum's intransigence will put all the possibilities open to the international community. «We do not guarantee that an agreement is reached in light of the differences on the border, calling on the UN Security Council to put pressure on Khartoum to make her acceptance with a map of the African Union and the implementation of the arrangements that have been agreed upon by around demilitarized zones.

Kiir said that this round for his delegation definitive though his country's position is clear that the two sides would reach a comprehensive solution to all issues that are negotiated. He added that his delegation rejected preconditions Aedha Sudanese delegation, noting that the African mediator will present his report on the developments and progress of the negotiations between the two delegations to the UN Security Council in the twenty-second of September.

Kerr explained that yesterday's round between the two sides continued to border issues, oil and nationality. He said that border experts who provided their vision to the two parties who are negotiating around. He added that the vision of the technical experts is not binding on the parties to negotiate, but can help in the discussion to find solutions. He said that differences over disputed border areas as well as areas claimed by each party, pointing out that the issue of oil is not the major differences. He revealed a paper presented by the mediator of the delegations of the African agreement on hydrocarbons, each party will present his views in writing to the mediator.

Middle East

Handed Kamal Obeid .. full text respond Bashir party positions on the north sector

09-08-2012 08:04 AM

In the name of God the Merciful

Sudan government delegation for negotiations on Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile
Facts and the facts revealed rebel meeting held on 28 August 2012
Pursuant to our commitment initial towards peace as an option Sam to settle disputes, especially in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile and our desire to overcome the efforts of the mechanism of high Avenue to achieve comprehensive peace, and confirmation of what we have presented the mechanism of vision in previous round and who Dmnah our principles and our vision and our approach to the final settlement and further to what we have pointed out the mechanism and the community International against the rebels and uncertainties that we have quoted here since the beginning of the negotiations, which confirms that the rebels lack the will and moral vision and approach for peaceful solutions and pawning their will to foreign destinations.
It is hard to choose dialogue and negotiation for him to show this behavior and practice and morally committed inside and outside the negotiating rooms should reflect that thinking, planning, practice and expression.
However, we observe and touch the behavior of the rebels confirms lack of desire for peace and negotiation as an end, but make it a tactic to achieve moral and material gains to be able to prolong the war in both states and double the suffering of the citizens (the hostages) in the areas they control.
First. Confirmation of this we offer to you with this note and document facts and decisions of the meeting of rebels that followed the previous round of negotiations, held in August 28, 2012, accompanied by our observations and our intention is to provide automated information concerning the case to assist mechanism and facilitate its mission.
Secondly. The statement at a meeting of the rebels marked by a degree of intellectual turmoil and contradiction and vibration situations this has been confirmed by duplication contained in the name of the rebel movement and reviewing the minutes of the meeting, we find three names:
1. Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan.
2. Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan north (in English).
3. Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan, the Nuba Mountains in the conclusion of the report.
Third. Minutes confirmed contradiction and duplication and deception practiced by the rebels and this is confirmed title of the paper presented by the named Yasser Arman in the first page the fifth line before last and which carried the title (the political situation and issues building, negotiation and overthrow the regime) this title reflects the contradictions and duplication and deception also confirms that named Yasser Arman not cares issue of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile and haunted by the suffering of our people in both states, but wanted to make the issue a ride and a conduit for achieving objectives associated بالارتهان though came the bodies and the blood and the displacement of people both states and who are not for him is a means to achieve its goals evil.
IV. Word in the line fifth, sixth and seventh of the second page in the record as follows (the price of meeting the performance SPLM leaders throughout the year and a half of the disengagement and the year over the beginning of the war which brought the issues of Sudan and the SPLM and the states to the highest international institution (the Security Council)) finished.
Comment. This text confirms that the insurgents set the war in order to escalate the issue to the Security Council and taken a means of pressure by their belief that it has achieved a response of the Security Council to مبتغاهم At that fear to keep up the rebels in understanding distorted and continue to exploit the generosity mechanism and the international community for more than arrogance and stubbornness illusion that they will find the care and protection as a result of their understanding wrong with resolution 2046. The reference to disengage the most important question when it was and how the whole world knows that the two are still members of the ruling party in the south and army officers in the State of the South.
V.. In line (13) of the second page contained the following text (the meeting stressed the importance of correct slogan of the meeting in the unity of the opposition forces and the toppling of the regime towards building a new state) is over.
Comment. In this text continues rebels in practice deception mechanism high and the international community while showing their eagerness to peace and negotiation returned and broke it in conspiracy with others to overthrow the regime war demonstrating through dialogue and negotiation In this treachery and betrayal of all parties, including the mechanism of high. How can access to peace with someone who wants to expand the circle of war and contrary to UN resolution 2046, which calls to stop the war and stop receiving support across the border to destabilize security and stability in the other country.
VI. Responded in the second page of the line (28) (Meeting decided in response to the demands of the displaced to national sovereignty and that the delegation negotiating the SPLM should bear in September when reviewing the agreement ..... transport food across the borders of the states of southern Sudan and Ethiopia) ended.
Comment. This decision confirms exit rebels and charters and conventions refusal especially when they conflict with their goals and their plans. While responded government delegation to the desire of the mechanism and the delegate of the United Nations signed the agreement on the issue of humanitarian and who came responsive to the Convention triple and general principles based on national sovereignty if the rebels oppose it in their meetings and their decisions and look forward to a response mechanism and the three partners to set aside the agreement thus confirming that their goal of humanitarian aid was not to serve the citizens, but taken way to receive financial and military support from their associates and supporters for the purpose of prolonging the war and terrorize innocent people and create a humane conditions increase the suffering of the citizens prisoners by the insurgency. At that stress that is humanitarian aid has been finalized the signing of the agreement and on all parties to embark on its provisions for the benefit of citizens and will not accept any open this file again we will not accept him only what we agreed and signed him as we ask the mechanism to clarify the reasons for delay implementation of the agreement of humanitarian aid and the Declaration of caused it and take a clear stance towards him.
VII. Responded in the third page the third line under the number (3) (ask the SPLM of the mechanism of high let her hold consultations with political forces and personalities actors opposed to the system in the two states, led by the forces of national consensus, especially opposition parties that participated in the elections states) ended.
1. This decision confirms the isolation of insurgents and break their political and social communication with states and community want the mechanism to become a means to restore and connect the community.
2. They are unaware that the forces of political community both states and may unite social opinion rejecting the war and chose peace approach to settle the issue of the two states have already provided us with high-Charter mechanism الممهور signing political and social leaders in the previous round.
3. The government delegation and a confirmation of the principle of widening participation and consultation of stakeholders, added in this round representatives of the forces and political parties Balolaatin and including Mr. Daniel Cody Anglo Chairman Popular Movement (Peace Wing), Mr. Siraj Ali Hamed, head of the Nationalist Movement Party for Peace and Development and Mr. Baku Next Rmboi Party Chairman Sudanese National United and Professor Munir Sheikh Eddin, head of the National Party New Democratic and the question arises whether the government delegation had included all these leaders and parties plus them those signatories of the Charter, which was delivered to him in the previous round narrated any parties They talk or they do not know the components of society states and thus assert their isolation.
VIII. Word on the third page of the line (18) (commissioned meeting, the Chief of Staff and the whole restructuring SPLA as a national liberation army and to take all steps to complete preparations to defeat the plans of the National Conference next summer) is over.
Comment. This decision confirms the following:
1. No moral obligation politely dialogue, negotiation and deceive the negotiating parties, including mediation also confirms the aggressive behavior of the rebels.
2. This decision contradicts one of the basic principles adopted by the mechanism in the previous round is the presence of a national army and a confirmation of the principle of state sovereignty and constitutional responsibility.
3. Despite post rebels in previous negotiations and obligations, but they assert harbor of bad faith Baharthm explicit preparations for war next summer.
IX. Stated in (3) line (24) (Call SPLM leadership to contribute effectively in the internal and external campaign to stand with the people of Darfur, saluted the crowd and students Nyala and papyrus Rhid) ended.
Comment. We continue to stress that the leaders of the rebellion interested issues have nothing to do with the suffering of the people of the two states. While they are unable to provide what serves the people of both states jumping to issues resolved by the people with wisdom like the people of Darfur and want to return Darfur to square the war again, without respect for the will of the regional and international stayed to reach final solution to the Darfur problem involved when all the people of interest.
X.. In the last paragraph of the report relating to the knowledge of the rebels confirms this paragraph inability to freedom of families and this dependence is confirmed by the colors and symbols of science.
XI. Summary seen in what issued a statement to the rebel movement as a movement characterized by the following:
1. Thought disorder and a lack of vision and approach to the rebels.
2. Continued exploitation of the land and the people of the two states as tools and means to serve their purposes and goals that have nothing to do with the interests of the community of states.
3. Disregard for the international community and persisting in his deception to gain time and prolong the conflict and increase the suffering of the people of the two states.
Conclusion. Conclude this note بتأكيدنا to the following:
1. Our initial commitment to dialogue a way for the final settlement of the issue of the two states with the parties responsible and able to respect their obligations and fulfill and understanding of the role of the international community and regional levels.
2. Our commitment to all international charters and covenants made by us in the previous rounds and we call mediation statement on the facts and detect manipulation of the rebel movement and disregard and lack of commitment.
3. Our full to continue to negotiate and dialogue and realistic vision of the final settlement of the issue.
4. Confirm adherence to the principles and fundamentals provided by us in the previous round, which found high acceptance of the mechanism in our meeting with them on 31.07.2012.
5. The government delegation currently constituted confirms comprehensive representation of the components of society the social and political mandates and that we have the means to achieve the consent of the stakeholders and request mediation rooming this dimension in the search for a safe route to reach a final settlement.
6. We also emphasize the mediation mechanism to our familiarity with the rebels that they:
A. Do not have the will nor moral vision and approach to negotiate to reach a final peaceful solution.
B. The rebels unable to get rid of the households and dependence and adherence to the foreign agenda and the inability to decipher their association with the political and military state of the south.
C. Continuation of the rebels in the exploitation of the issue of the two states as a platform to achieve the crossing agenda has nothing to do with the case and its people and that led to further suffering to the citizens of unarmed civilians.
D. Continuation of the rebels in recidivism for charters and conventions and disable implemented starting a humanitarian agreement.
E. Rebels counting on tolerance and absolute flexibility of the mediation mechanism to enable them to procrastination and gain time and we expect to play a mediation role in clarifying the strong attitude toward this behavior.
And. Rebels betting exceeded the time limit of the Security Council procrastination and loss of time and deliberately seeking to frustrate the task of mediation, which means they go to bed is not negotiation.
G. Fancy rebels that the Security Council would make decisions in their favor in the case exceeded the time limit and realize that prudent mediation and possession of full information will enable it to detect this scheme and thwarted.
7. From all this hope of the mechanism of high and intermediaries packages and controlling the behavior of the rebels and force them approach unrealistic to negotiate in order to reach fruitful results of the negotiations and get it to decode the families of citizens and stop forced recruitment of children and to stop talking continuous agenda of war and underestimated the mediation efforts and the international community.
1. Facts and decisions of the leadership of the Office rebels.

Sudanese newspaper

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